Using Etsy's Quick Edit Feature Saves You Time!
Have you ever used Etsy’s Quick Edit feature to do things like spruce up your active listings or quickly add tags and titles to drafts?
You can find the Quick Edit button by going to your Shop Manager and clicking on Listings. Look towards the top right and you'll see it. Click the button and watch the view of your listings change.
With this feature, you can now edit certain aspects of your listings without having to click into each one individually, edit, then hit Save. Every second counts!!
You can update the following components of a listing using Quick Edit: Title, Quantity, Price, SKU, Section, Shipping Profile, Weight, Dimensions, and Tags.
Here are few use cases for why you'd want to take advantage of this feature:
To swap out seasonal tags. Maybe you want to search for all of your listings where you had "stocking stuffer" in the tags or title - you can search for that term in the Search bar (top right) to return a list of all of those listings. You can then scan each listing quickly and replace those keywords with something else.
To ensure that you have all 13 tags populated (it's easy to scan to see if you don't)
Maybe you just implemented a new inventory tracking system and you want to update all of the SKU numbers.
You can bulk update package weight and dimensions for draft listings without having to go in and click on each one.
Have you ever tried it? What do you use Quick Edit for?
If you’re craving motivation and accountability when it comes running your Etsy vintage shop, then the Etsy Vintage Mastermind Monthly Membership may be for you! You’ll be inspired by listing challenges with prizes twice a month, be given tips to help you optimize your processes so you do more FASTER, all while being supported and cheered on my me and your vintage-slingin’ pals. We meet once a week live over Zoom and connect daily in our private Facebook group. Email me or DM me to see if it’s a fit or sign up today! Open to new and experienced Etsy Vintage shop owners.