Join the Etsy Vintage Mastermind Membership!

Take your Etsy vintage business to the next level with real-time community support, encouragement, motivation, listing challenges (with prizes!) and lessons through live, interactive group Zoom meetings and a private Facebook group full of fun, creative shop owners like yourself!

NEW IN 2022!! Call into daytime office hours every other week!

Scroll to the bottom of this page to view the bi-weekly Zoom meeting calendar. Space is limited!

Vintage Gals

Wouldn’t it be the absolute greatest to geek out over all things vintage while growing your Etsy shop and crushing your sales goals alongside a group of fun, highly motivated sellers just like yourself?

If you’re like me, you know how difficult it can be to run your own business, especially one where there are so many hats to wear - the online vintage dealer!


You source and research…

You clean and photograph…

You list and promote…

You pack orders carefully and ship…

You take care of all the customer communications and the headaches…

The bookkeeping and the inventory tracking…

And the highs and lows that go along with it all!

HOLY SH*T THERE ARE LOTS! It’s a rewarding job and it’s not for the weak-minded.

We are driven by a passion to preserve the beauty of the past and getting it into the hands of happy shoppers all around the globe, all while promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices. The world needs us more than ever!

You may have a supportive significant other…or family…or friends to share your accomplishments with and maybe you ask for opinions once in a while but then you promptly regret it or maybe you are on the receiving end of unsolicited advice and no matter how supportive your loved ones say they are, they probably don’t fully understand what you do and may never will.

You could also have people close to you that aren’t cool with this path you’ve chosen for one dumb reason or another and it’s been holding you back from really living out your dream to turn your love of vintage into something profitable and real.

I’ve had these same challenges and I know how important it is to feel like you’re not the only one who believes in you and your potential!

This unique membership will provide you the support and connection you have been craving, will keep you motivated and driving towards your goals, and will help you to gain the knowledge and confidence to grow your vintage business to heights you never dreamed of!

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So wouldn’t it be SO MUCH FUN to meet regularly with a group of friends who were just as geeked out over all things vintage as you were?

Imagine having meaningful, live conversations with people who get it, and feeling comfortable asking all of your burning questions and actually getting honest answers from others who have been there, done that. How about celebrating your sales without feeling like you’re bragging? This job can also be lonely, and burnout is a real thing. You may be feeling it after a few years of isolation…and our new normal is still unknown. How about helping each other (and commiserating a bit!) through the tough times and maybe making a BFF or two? Wouldn’t that feel so awesome?

I feel so strongly about people coming together to bring out the best in one another, which elevates the growing vintage community as a whole!

This is one of the main reasons why I created this membership - it’s out of the need for myself and my fellow vintage peers to connect with each other, to lean on each other, to borrow each other’s knowledge and experience, and to help the vintage community rise up to its potential. We all DM and interact on Instagram regularly but it’s the real live human connection that’s missing. I wholeheartedly believe in all those popular, clichéd phrases we hear all the time on Instagram - community over competition, women supporting women, a rising tide lifts all boats, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, you totally know what I’m talking about!

There’s something about seeing my vintage seller friends face to face or hearing their voice over the phone that motivates and inspires me like nothing else can. You know that feeling after a chatting with a girlfriend who just gets you, it’s the best right??

Let’s face it, we aren’t meant to do this alone!

I see vintage sellers out there who just can’t seem to make any traction on Etsy or that are stumbling with certain aspects of the job. Sourcing, yeah, we pretty much have that down, maybe a little too well?? Eeeeeek! But when it comes to things like pricing, shipping, SEO, keeping up with the ever-changing Etsy algorithm, policies and trends, social media and marketing, inventory management, bookkeeping, knowing how to communicate with customers, branding, etc. - all that sh*t ain’t easy to conquer and keep up with when you’re a one person show. It can take years and that’s if you’re lucky to even figure it out before frustration sets in, you become overwhelmed with inventory that isn’t selling, and you give up on your dream.

We all know that Etsy is a completely different ballgame for vintage sellers vs. handmade sellers and I’ll tell you straight up that I’ve had to dig deep to find the right information in order to be successful. There is a lot of bad advice out there too and who can you trust?! I’ve spent countless hours studying, taking lessons in the Etsy University instructor program, hosting Etsy workshops, coaching students 1:1, running support groups and talking with fellow vintage seller friends to get to the bottom of so many of the challenges that come with being an Etsy vintage seller. I am 100% committed to helping as many fellow vintage dealers as possible thrive both on and off Etsy, whether you’re in it for a side gig or are full-time or working towards full-time. I won’t ever claim to know everything but I’m sure as hell trying!

So now you’re probably asking - what’s this membership all about because I want in ASAP!

Think of it as an accountability group, a support group, and Etsy + business + vintage lessons and advice rolled into one!

Here’s all of the fabulousness that comes with your monthly membership:

Live, bi-weekly Zoom group meetings:

  • 2 or 3 per month (every other week)

  • Mondays at 7:30-8:30 PM EST

  • These structured meetings consist of a lesson or tutorial, the latest in Etsy news and trends, live Q&A, and open discussion to deep dive into specific topics

  • You’ll have a chance to submit questions or topics ahead of the meeting or ask on the fly

  • The agenda and Zoom call-in details will be emailed to you the day of each meeting

  • Meetings will be recorded and available for replay to active members only for one week

Private Facebook Group

  • This will be your place for community support, accountability and motivation in between meetings - think of it as your resource center. Ask questions anytime for me and your peers to answer!

  • There are monthly listing challenges and contests (with prizes!), and you will have access to exclusive Phineas Street School content, tutorials, and worksheets

  • In your welcome email, I’ll ask you to join the private Facebook group

  • Not a fan of Facebook groups? Feel free to skip the group altogether and just participate in the meetings

Bi-weekly Office Hours *NEW IN 2022!*

  • Wednesdays 12pm-1pm ET (off-weeks)

  • Call in for a few minutes to ask questions or stay for the entire call and learn from others!

  • The time is subject to change based on current member feedback

  • Office hours will not be recorded

Member pricing:

$59 a month, auto renews monthly


$295 for 6 months prepaid (one month free!), auto renews after 6 months

Cancel the renewal anytime or switch to the 6 month prepaid or to monthly while maintaining the founder member pricing

Founding member price locked in for life, unless you cancel and rejoin

Still wondering if this membership is right for you?

It’s a BIG YES if you:

  • are a new or experienced vintage seller with an active Etsy shop

  • have the desire to grow your Etsy brand and make a ton of sales

  • believe in the power of community and want to lean in and learn from other sellers instead of taking the long route of going it alone

  • want to stop wasting time on the tasks that aren’t important and start focusing on those that will help you grow your business and convert sales

  • are ready to start strategically thinking about your business

  • are willing to give and receive constructive feedback with an open mind

  • love to dork out over all things vintage with a bunch of fun and eager friends!

And a NO if you:

  • haven’t opened an Etsy shop yet or don’t have the basics down

  • are happy with the status quo and don’t have the desire to make more sales

  • think you know everything there is to know about Etsy already and aren’t willing to accept that it is an ever-changing world out there

  • think of your shop as a hobby and don’t care if you make a profit

  • don’t believe in the power or importance of community as a solopreneur

Still have questions?

Maybe this FAQ will help! And I’m here via email or IG DM to answer any questions you have before or after joining!

What’s the Zoom meeting schedule look like for the next few months?

Meetings are held every other Monday at 7:30 PM EST. If a meeting falls on a holiday, I’ll gain consensus from active members on moving it. Scroll way down for the full 2022 schedule!

What if something comes up and I have to miss a Zoom meeting?

No worries! I know things come up! The calls will be recorded and made available for replay via email to active members only for one week.

Will I have access to everything in the Facebook group if I haven’t been a member since the beginning?

Yes, you will have access to all content dating back to April 2021 except for the Zoom replays. You can easily search for past topics.

Are the group meetings structured? Will I get to ask questions?

Yes, an agenda will be emailed out the day of each meeting. There will be a brief lesson on each call followed by Q&A and discussion. Questions and topics from the Facebook group may drive the meeting topics. The format is subject to change as the group evolves. Feedback on the structure of the calls is encouraged - this is your hour!

I’m shy and just want to listen in on the calls, is that okay? Please don’t put me on the spot!

Of course - it’s up to you how much you want to participate. You don’t even need to turn your camera on although we’d love to see you! One big benefit to meeting live is that it helps us to gain confidence speaking about our businesses. :)

If I have a specific customer problem or question, can I message you 1:1?

No, I will not be answering questions outside of the live meetings or Facebook group, please post the question to the group page and tag me or ask during the live meetings or office hours. One purpose of the Facebook group is to share learnings and help each other solve problems. Someone else may benefit from your question or offer a different perspective than I have! If you are interested in 1:1 coaching, please reach out to me. Members get a discount on all offerings while they are enrolled in this membership!

What kinds of topics will be discussed on the group calls?

We’ll get into all sorts of things like shipping best practices (packing, materials, shipping profiles, etc.), SEO, photography and staging, customer service, business tools (Canva, email marketing, IG, Pinterest, etc.), branding, strategy, goals, marketing, social media, sourcing, bookkeeping, trends, goals, shop optimization, etc. No topic is off limits and active members will drive the priority of what topics we discuss! We don’t talk about just Etsy.

Yikes, I think I need some 1:1 help or a shop audit to get me on the right track before I join. I want to start out on the right foot!

Reach out to me so I can determine what kind of support you need! I may recommend a one-time shop audit, a 1:1 power hour or a series of 1:1s. While you’re enrolled in this membership, all private coaching offerings will be discounted!

I need to drop out of the membership for a few months but I want to come back. Can I do that?

Of course you can! You can come in and out of the program but each time you come back, you will need to enroll at the current price. This founding member deal will not be available forever!

I’d love to join but I’m in another country or the meeting time doesn’t work for my schedule!

Please message me, I’m open to adding a second meeting earlier in the day if there is enough interest! And note that I am a US Etsy seller and do not have direct experience with the UK or other countries’ Etsy policies where different from the US.

Are you ready to take this next step in your career as a vintage dealer while having the most fun ever with a group of likeminded, highly motivated sellers? Choose the option that’s best for you!


If you have questions before enrolling, feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram! @phineasstreetschool

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Etsy Vintage Mastermind Schedule